Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mahtomedi Has Ineligble Player

In reaction to the announcement that a player for the Mahtomedi Zephers Football Team is ineligible and that they must forfeit 5 games, I am outraged. It is this basic and simple. All schools are required to adhere to the MN State High School Rules and if your team does not then you should be giving up more than just the 5 games- you should lose your chance to participate in the state playoffs. It is unfair to the team but right. This said, I cannot wait to face them in the 4A semi finals where we can once and for all settle this 53 second lead they had last year and prove that the Eagles rule. We beat you not once but twice last year and we will beat you again this year. Just make sure that you have players that are qualified to play.

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